Publish Not Perish
This page is dedicated to making available on-line published and unpublished, fictional and non-fictional works that interest me. They are listed with the permission of the authors. Some are my own writings in progress or completed. Most are pdf files, but some are doc files.
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After Class, Click here NEW.
She & He, Click here NEW.
Inside-Me, Outside-Me, Click here.
6 PM, 28 June, Click here.
Spotting for Tammy, Click here.
Journals, Gyms & Tracks, Click here.
Sarah Two: Lips & Rings, Click here.
One Rich, One Not So Rich, A Very, Very Short Story, Click here.
Tara & Luc, Click here.
Hank's Tear, Click here.
Hex, Click here.
Is It Over?, Click here.
A Shelf Is A Book, Or Not, Click here.
Run Away, Click here.
After Class NA Being revised , Click here.
Natural Resources: Unavoidable Curse or Manageable Asset
Emily Leveille is Program Associate, Frontier Strategies, Washington DC. She graduated with Honors from New York University in 2009 with a degree in Politics and International Relations. This essay was submitted as part of her baccalaureate requirement and was published in the Journal of Politics & International Affairs, Spring, 2009, pp. 108-125. She is also a skilled practitioner, as this article demonstrates, of statistical modeling. At Frontier Strategies she advises clients on market conditions in Asia and Latin America. b>
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Essays on Mexican Economic History Essays on the History of Economic Growth in Mexico, PhD, Harvard University. Mining in Colonial Ecuador Gold Production, Colonial Quito Publications of Richard L. Garner Go to This manuscript concerns the idea of who should rule in America after the Revolutionary War and before the Civil War. It makes the argument that America elaborated a political ideology built upon the assumption that individuals could and should govern themselves mostly. A society of individuals governing themselves led Alexis de Tocqueville to apply the word individualisme to distinguish what he found in American from what he had known in France and Europe where the idea of individuals being ruled was widely practiced and embraced. As the conflict over slavery intensified, a nation of self–governing lacked a political mechanism by which to reach a collective resolution. Individualism then as now had some unintended consequences. The manuscript will consist of three volumes: WHO SHALL RULE GOVERNANCE AND GROWTH GOVERNING IMPASSE Where Did All the Silver Go? Bullion Outflows 1570-1650: A Review of the Numbers and the Absence of Numbers Between discovery and independence Latin American produced around 150,000 tons of gold and silver. That was far more than could ever be spent in the New World. Between 80 and 90 percent of the mineral output was exported. Most of it was exported to Europe and from there to various places including the Far East. Direct trade between the Far East (through the Philippines) and Spanish America began in the middle of the 16th Century, and grew as the output of the mines in Zacatecas (Mexico), Potosí (Bolivia) and other camps increased during the second half of the 16th Century and the first half of the 17th Century. Recently some scholars have ramped up the bullion outflows in response to heavy demand for silver, mainly in China, and also to strong demand for Oriental goods in the Spanish colonies. The official recorded outflows, they have argued, were flawed statistics because of a robust contraband trade that existed along side of the mandated fleet trade. In this essay I examine the statistical and non-statistical sources to try to determine how much validity should be assigned to the much elevated recent estimates. I have used the official records to create a baseline from the Philippines to the Spanish colonies and of bullion from Acapulco to Manila within the context of a cyclical mining sector and a vacillating royal policy. I have assembled and analyzed some new datasets based on the research of Engel Sluiter, John TePaske, etc., and I have tried to weigh these results against the projections of merchandise imports and bullion exports by Dennis Flynn. Although the portrait remains unfinished, it appears to have an ebb and flow that is somewhat different from past as well as current estimates. For the essay, Click here. Photographs of 17th Gold and Silver Coins from Spanish America
Six Essays by Carlos A Ponzio de León who is on the staff of the Ministry of Justice in Mexico. He received his PhD in Economics from Harvard where he studied with Jeffrey Williamson and John Coatsworth among others. His research spans late colonial to contemporary Mexico. He has a strong interest in econometrics, and although his essays have a mathematical bent, their less-mathematical contents, especially how he formulates the questions and what conclusions emerge from his analyses, may be of interest to general scholars.
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Globalisation and Economic Growth in the Third World: Some Evidence from Eighteenth-Century Mexico.
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Interpretación económica del último perídio colonial mexicana.”
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Looking at the Dark Side of Things: Political Stability and Economic Growth in Post-Independence Mexico.
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Pobreza, ciclos económicos y políticas gubernamentales en México (1992-2002)” with Jorge Valero, Lourdes Treviño, Joana Chapa.
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Tres interpretaciones sobre el tamaño del sector public mexicano: 1925-1976.
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Kris E. Lane, Wakefield Distinguished Professor of History, William & Mary College
Chapter 3, "Production and Flows of Precious Metals in the Audiencia of Quito," from Mining the Margins: Precious Metal Extraction and Forced Labor Regimes in the Audienca of Quito, 1534-1821, Volume 1 (PhD, University of Minnesota, 1996).
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To Rule Oneself in Antebellum American: The Concept of Self-Government from Revolution to Secession
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